Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tester 2

NEW-LIFESTYLES Pedometers and Accelerometers (use this link to view photos of all accelerometers and pedometers on one page) are considered by researchers to be among the best in the world, if not the best.  We have three series from which you may choose--the NL-series, the SW-series and the AT-series.  All of these have been independently validated and have been found to be extremely accurate and reliable.  According to independent validation studies how do pedometer brands rate?
Use the links below to go directly to the respective accelerometer's or pedometer's page.
 NEW-LIFESTYLES Accelerometer (Piezoelectric Pedometer) Line-up:
  • NL-800 offers steps, clock and 7-day memory
  • NL-1000 offers steps, distance (miles or kilometers), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time, clock and 7-day memory
  • NL-2000 offers steps, activity calories, total calories, calculates basal metabolic rate, clock and 7-day memory
  • NL-2160 offers PC download with companion software, steps, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time, clock, activity calories*, total calories*, distance*, 60-day memory* (7-day memory on the monitor's display)
  • NL-2200 offers PC download with companion software, steps, activity calories, total calories, clock, 220-day memory* (7-day memory on the monitor's display)
NEW-LIFESTYLES Coil Spring-Suspended Pedometer Line-up:
  • SW-200 is the simplest of the this line-up; it counts steps only
  • SW-401 offers steps and distance in miles
  • SW-651 offers steps, distance in miles, stopwatch and clock
  • SW-701 offers steps, distance in miles or kilometers and calories
  • **CW-300 offers steps, clock and "activity" time*** (no independent validation)
NEW-LIFESTYLES Hairspring-Suspended Pedometer Line-up:
  • AT-80 is the simplest of this line-up: it counts steps only
  • AT-82 offers steps, clock and 7-day memory
  • AT-85 offers steps, distance in miles or kilometers, calories, clock and "activity" time***
*These features require and must be enabled by the PAAS Lifestyle Coach (software), i.e. to see these features on the display of the Lifecorder PLUS, one must purchase the PAAS Lifestyle Coach (software) and enable them via the PAAS Lifestyle Coach (software).
**The CW-300 and its siblings--the CW-200, CW-600, CW-701--have not been independently validated to be accurate or reliable.  The only testing currently done was performed by the manufacturer--YAMAX.
***The activity time function offered by the CW-300 and the AT-85 pedometers should not be confused with the moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time (MVPA timer) function on the NL-1000, NL-2160 or NL-2200 accelerometers; pedometers can not measure acceleration.  They simply respond to acceleration and therefore pedometers do not provide the data necessary to calculate time spent in light, moderate, or vigorous physical activity.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque lacinia odio at leo dapibus bibendum. Phasellus in dui libero, ac auctor erat. Sed facilisis volutpat varius. Sed id eleifend est. Mauris libero tellus, convallis ac varius vitae, interdum ac tortor. Nulla elementum pretium vestibulum. Pellentesque at enim sed sem dapibus pharetra sit amet sed felis.
Cras eu velit nec dolor volutpat tincidunt. Integer interdum condimentum risus sit amet varius. Nullam vel metus nec diam gravida vulputate. Duis ut quam a diam lacinia placerat. Nulla accumsan luctus viverra. Aenean nisl ipsum, tincidunt non tincidunt ut, feugiat sed libero. Maecenas erat ante, varius ac lacinia tempor, faucibus et dui. Suspendisse eget pellentesque risus. Proin auctor mauris quis mi tincidunt non ultrices purus cursus. Aenean at enim sit amet enim porttitor pellentesque et porttitor purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed eget tempus elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed aliquet lobortis lacinia. Integer leo sem, euismod at porta ut, tristique id enim.
Pellentesque euismod facilisis scelerisque. Vivamus sed quam nunc. Sed ut nisi magna, ac dapibus ligula. Nulla eleifend sagittis felis a tempor. Quisque suscipit arcu ac elit mattis accumsan. Phasellus eu mauris enim, nec vestibulum dolor. Aliquam ultrices dui vestibulum urna auctor porttitor. Sed risus nibh, ultrices at vehicula ut, feugiat vitae mauris. Integer malesuada luctus orci, vel tempus mi ornare vel. Nam quis sem in nunc ullamcorper mattis.
Curabitur a justo nunc, a cursus sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis vel elit sed velit sagittis faucibus vel ut orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin et quam diam, a ornare turpis. Duis dignissim mollis nunc, vitae sodales ante pellentesque ac. Mauris consequat sem eu lacus hendrerit id aliquet enim sodales. Praesent ultrices ipsum hendrerit orci auctor sed interdum sem scelerisque.
Maecenas tempor, augue sed hendrerit sollicitudin, nisi magna condimentum dui, sit amet convallis mi erat ut purus. Curabitur lacus arcu, posuere nec dictum vitae, volutpat euismod enim. Vivamus aliquam venenatis nibh in vehicula. Donec ornare purus at purus tincidunt mollis quis in ligula. Aenean nec laoreet ligula. Nulla consectetur urna ac libero tempus ac ornare lacus convallis. Nullam sed urna nisl. Nam non orci id lacus porttitor lacinia. Nam sed tortor est. Donec eget viverra lectus. Etiam tellus metus, mollis in gravida eget, sollicitudin id enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras interdum quam non tortor tristique fermentum. Sed congue nisi sed ante interdum accumsan.
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